Our Commitment to Web Accessibility

Last updated: September 03, 2024

Healthcare Traveler Academy is committed to making our website and course content accessible users of all abilities, including those who rely on assistive technologies.


We strive to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2, Level AA. WCAG is an internationally agreed on set of standards for creating accessible digital content.

Testing our website is done by our web designer using industry standard tools such as keyboard-only navigation techniques, the NVDA screen reader, Google Lighthouse automated testing, color contrast analyzers, and WAVE.

Efforts to Ensure Accessibility on Our Website

The following is a list of features we have included in our website to improve its accessibility:

  • Our website design is responsive.
  • Our website declares a language in the header.
  • Tap-targets are appropriately sized and/or spaced, wherever allowed by the course platform.
  • We have thoughtfully selected fonts that have marked differences in commonly ambiguous characters, such as the number 1, lowercase l, and uppercase I, for the sake of readability.
  • Responsive units such as rem have been used for text so that it responds to users' browser preferences, wherever allowed by the course platform.
  • Lines of text do not exceed a certain character count in order to enhance readability.
  • Captions and video transcripts have been included for all videos.
  • Images and non-text content have appropriate alternative text associated with them, wherever allowed by the course platform.
  • Color contrast for meaningful content such as text meets WCAG 2.2 AA color contrast requirements.
  • Color alone is not relied on to convey information.
  • Semantic HTML has been used to markup elements such as lists and tables so that they can be understood by assistive technologies such as screen readers.
  • Forms are associated with labels, along with clearly understandable error states.
  • A warning is provided before links open in a new tab or window.

Where We're Improving

In our efforts to bring our website up to standard, we are targeting the following areas:

  • Accessibility of downloadable content, such as PDFs;
  • Testing focus states for all interactive website elements;
  • Testing course quizzes for accessibility;
  • Disabling smooth scroll for users with reduced motion preferences;
  • Shifting focus on page scroll;
  • Removing images added through CSS (which cannot be read by screen readers) and replacing them with HTML images with appropriate alterantive text;
  • Remediating tab order on lesson pages;
  • Accessibility training for content editors

In addition to the above areas, we have discovered accessibility issues with Kajabi, our course and website platform, which we have little to no control over. These include the following:

  • Multiple level 1 headings on checkout pages and course lesson pages;
  • Lack of skip links;
  • Incorrect HTML markup of in-lesson navigation elements as headings rather than navigation elements;
  • Headings in lessons not in sequentially descending order;
  • Inability to zoom in on checkout pages and course content pages by including [user-scalable="no"] in the HTML head;
  • Inability to add an accessible name to the following buttons and links:
    • Lesson favorite button,
    • Lesson previous and next arrow buttons,
    • Social media links in the footer;
  • Accordions are not operable by assistive technologies such as screen readers and keyboards;
  • Dropdown menus in the header navigation are not operable by assistive technologies such as keyboards;
  • Lack of aria indicating the current page (aria-current="page") in header navigation to indicate which page the user is currently on;
  • Inability to add alternative text for checkout page images and the logged in user profile image

We are seeking to do what we can to remediate the above issues. If you experience any of these issues and wouldn't mind sharing your experience with us through one of the contact methods below, it may strengthen our case to Kajabi to improve the accessibility of their course platform!

Accessibility Feedback and Support

We welcome feedback on our website. If you experience any difficulties using our website, please contact us using one of the means below and we will do our best to assist you and resolve any issues!